Tuesday 27 February 2018

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies!

We’ve been brushing up on our Spanish in Primary 2/3 and can now name all our body parts! We’ve even drawn round ourselves and labelled the pictures with the Spanish words.

Primary 2/3 are great at sharing!

This term, we have been learning lots about fractions and have started working on halving and quartering amounts. Here are some of the activities that we’ve been doing:

Every litter bit hurts

For Eco Week, Primary 2/3 have been learning all about the effects of litter on the environment. We were so shocked at what we found out that we decided to help by picking up litter in our local environment. You wouldn’t believe how many bin bags full of litter that we collected!

Visit to a very snowy Stirling Castle 🏰

Primary 2/3 absolutely loved their visit to Stirling Castle and enjoyed spotting all the different parts, like the drawbridge and port cullis. We even didn’t mind getting caught in a wee bit of snow!

Science Centre fun!

We had great fun at the Science Centre and learned loads of new things. We especially liked our visit to the Planetarium and now know lots of facts about space!

Linnvale Castles 🏰

Thank you so much to everyone for all the junk you have brought in! Primary 2/3 have been working really hard to recycle all the materials by turning them in to their very own castles! Great team work everyone!

Kings and Queens 👑

Primary 2/3 loved learning all about castles and who lives in them. We even got the chance to dress up as medieval royalty!